Magic Turban
Change Windows startup screen.

When you turn on your computer or restart Windows, a startup graphic appears. You may substitute your own graphic file for the standard startup screen.

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Start with a bitmap graphic file (*.bmp) that is 640 pixels wide by 480 pixels high. If the image you want to use is larger or smaller, you'll have to resize it using a graphic editing application.

To change the startup screen:
  1. Double-click your bitmap graphic file icon to start Microsoft Paint.
  2. From the Image menu, select Stretch/Skew.
    The Stretch and Skew dialog box appears.
  3. Enter a Stretch, Horizontal percentage of 50.
  4. Click OK.

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  5. From the Image menu, select Stretch/Skew.
  6. Click the Stretch, Vertical option button and enter a percentage of 104.
  7. Click OK.
  8. From the Image menu, select Stretch/Skew.
  9. Click the Stretch, Vertical option button and enter a percentage of 80.
  10. Click OK.
  11. From the File menu, select Save As.
    The Save As dialog box appears.
  12. Click the Save as type, drop down list box and select 256 Color Bitmap.

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  13. Click the filename list box, enter C:\logo.sys, and click Save.
To return to the standard Windows startup screen, delete or rename logo.sys.


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You can also replace one or both of the Windows shutdown screens using this same procedure.

The filenames and locations are:
c:\Windows\logow.sys - Wait c:\Windows\logos.sys - OK

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Be sure to make backup copies of
logow.sys and logos.sys
before creating your custom files.

If you ever want to return to the standard shutdown screens you'll need the original versions of these files.

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